Southern Illinois Arts Council
The Southern Illinois Arts Council (SIAC) is a regional council that formed in 2022 to support Artspace 304 in increasing arts, access, and advocacy in the region. Members of the SIAC include nonprofit leaders, arts educators and organizers, and independent artists who represent counties throughout Southern Illinois.

The Southern Illinois Arts Council aims to address the following:
- Increase access to and availability of arts programs and funding
- Advance opportunities for arts education and professional development
- Encourage the exchange of information and resources among artists, organizations, and communities throughout the region
- Collaborate on solutions to challenges that arise in the administration of arts programs
SIAC Membership
The SIAC is comprised of up to 15 members who work in arts and culture in Southern Illinois, including regional artists, educators, organizers, and leaders.
SIAC members meet on a quarterly basis and convene more regularly for committee meetings. SIAC committees include: Artist Outreach, PR/Marketing, Jury, and Conference.

- Najjar Abdul-Musawwir, SIU Professor & Artist
- Elizabeth Crabtree, The Hett Center for the Arts at McKendree University
- Jeremy Crawford, Cobden High School
- Christy Davis, Legacy Training, Inc Advisory Board Member
- Norma “Lee” Hackney, Shawnee Hills Arts Council & Anna Arts Center
- Dan Johnson, Shawnee Hills Pottery Trail & Artist
- Fern Logan, Artist
- Corene McDaniel, African American Museum of Southern Illinois
- Tim Robinson, Kre8ive Fine Arts Academy
- Josh Shearer, Anna CCSD 37 & IAEA South Council
- Colleen Springer-Lopez, SI CABE – Southern Illinois Culture & Arts in Bilingual Education
- Carrie Stover, Cedarhurst Center for the Arts