Deep Space by Kevin Morefield

Join us at Artspace 304, Saturday, April 6 at 2pm, for a solar eclipse and photography lecture titled, “Deep Space” by Astrophotographer Kevin Morefield. A Murphysboro native, Kevin currently lives and works on the west coast. Kevin’s photography reflects what he calls: “The Blurring of Art and Science.” He states: “Much remains to be learned about the Universe, in fact, nearly everything. But also there is beauty. Between the learning and the aesthetic is where lies my interest.”
This event is free and open to the public. Please park in the First Christian Church parking lot, located on W Monroe St and S University Ave. Artspace 304 is open extended hours this Solar Eclipse Weekend: Saturday and Sunday from 10am – 4pm.
2024 Solar Eclipse Programming is underwritten by our Premier Sponsor Banterra Bank.

This work is made possible by the Simons Foundation and is part of its “In the Path of Totality” initiative. Fore more information, visit inthepathoftotality.org